James Boyle is William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law at Duke Law School and founder of the Center for the Study of the Public Domain. His newest book, The Line: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Personhood, will be published by MIT Press in October 2024. Professor Boyle was one of the original Board Members, and eventually the Chairman of the Board, of Creative Commons, which works to facilitate the free availability of art, scholarship, and cultural materials by developing innovative, machine-readable licenses that individuals and institutions can attach to their work. He was also a co-founder of Science Commons, which aimed to expand the Creative Commons mission into the realm of scientific and technical data, and has served as a member of the board of the Public Library of Science. Professor Boyle was awarded the World Technology Network Award for Law for his work on the public domain and the “second enclosure movement” that threatens it. The Electronic Frontier Foundation gave him their Pioneer Award for his work on digital civil liberties. Professor Boyle is also the author of Shamans, Software and Spleens: Law and the Construction of the Information Society, The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind, and an open textbook, Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society (6th ed. 2024) (with Jennifer Jenkins). He is the editor of Critical Legal Studies, Collected Papers on the Public Domain and Cultural Environmentalism @ 10 (with Larry Lessig.) He has also written a distressing number of articles on intellectual property, internet regulation and legal theory both for scholarly journals and the popular press. His other books include two “scholarly comic books” co-written with Jennifer Jenkins — Bound By Law, about fair use and Theft: A History of Music, a 2000 year long story about music and musical borrowing. Both can be freely downloaded under Creative Commons licenses. Before newspapers disappeared behind paywalls, he wrote a regular column in the Financial Times’ New Economy Policy Forum. His 280 character observations on various issues can be found on the site that used to be Twitter @thepublicdomain .
To contact him, send an email to boyle [AT] law.duke.edu
Media inquiries about The Line can be directed to me or to
Katie Lewis, The MIT Press | lewisk@mit.edu