And a lot more. In an interesting experiment, Techdirt has launched a signed “book club“. Apart from my book they are also including in the package signed copies of Bill Patry’s new book, Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars, Boldrin and Levine’s Against Monopoly, Heller’s Gridlock Economy and Mike Masnick’s Approaching Infinity. Best of all, you get a..
crystal ball too. (Really) [Turns out the crystal ball is, as one of my law and literature students once wrote, “like a metaphor.” It consists of sneak peaks of Techdirt articles to come.] Who could resist? There’s also a music club, featuring artists who have copy-friendly business methods. Details here. Apart from that, all kinds of wacky packages, including buying the right to shut Techdirt down for a year, for only $100,000,000.