On November 8th, Cory Doctorow, John Perry Barlow, and numerous other digital luminaries will be gathering at the Minna Gallery in San Francisco for the EFF’s Pioneer Awards Party. Cory is going to be the MC and — when not featured on XKCD blogging from a ballon in a red cape and goggles…
— he is one of the most entertaining speakers you will ever hear. I am honoured to be one of the awardees — joining a group of much more impressive winners. (All of whom, like me, have photographs that make them look as though they are just about to be convicted of a serious crime, have someone stepping on their toes or, in the case of PJ from Groklaw, are mysteriously hiding behind a page of text.) But the point here is, this is just going to be an excellent party. SF friends, I hope to see you there. Tickets are pretty cheap, and they go to support as good a cause as you could find. What else are you going to do on a Monday evening for $35 when the Giants World Series celebrations have died down and the Prop 19 wakes have finally fizzled out?