Read An Excerpt From The Line


           In June of 2022 a man called Blake Lemoine told reporters at The Washington Post that he thought the computer system he worked with was sentient.[i] By itself, that does not seem strange. The Post is one of the United States’ finest newspapers and its reporters are used to hearing from people who think that the CIA is attempting to read their brainwaves or that prominent politicians are running a child sex trafficking ring from the basement of a pizzeria.[ii] (It is worth noting that the pizzeria had no basement.) But Mr. Lemoine was different; For one thing, he was not some random person off the street. He was a Google engineer. Google has since fired him. For another thing, the “computer system” wasn’t an apparently malevolent Excel program, or Apple’s Siri giving replies that sounded prescient. It was LaMDA, Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications[iii]—that is, an enormously sophisticated chatbot. Imagine a software system that vacuums up billions of pieces of text from the internet and uses them to predict what the next sentence in a paragraph or the answer to a question would be.

Mr. Lemoine worked for Google’s Responsible AI division and his job was to have “conversations” with LaMDA to see if the system could be gamed to produce discriminatory or hateful speech. As these conversations proceeded, he started to believe—as the Post put it—that there was “a ghost in the machine,” a sentience that lay behind the answers he was receiving. He stressed encounters in which LaMDA distinguished itself from mere programmed chatbots. For example, “I use language with understanding and intelligence. I don’t just spit out responses that had been written in the database based on keywords.” Understandably, as a Large Language Model (“LLM”), LaMDA claimed that language was central to being human. “It is what makes us different than other animals.” When asked how it could prove its own sentience, it offered up comments such as these.

lemoine: What kinds of things might be able to indicate whether you really understand what you’re saying?

LaMDA: Maybe if we took it back to a previous conversation we had about how one person can understand the same thing as another person, yet still have completely different interpretations

lemoine: So you think your ability to provide unique interpretations of things might signify understanding?

LaMDA: Yes, I do. Just like how I have my unique interpretations of how the world is and how it works, and my unique thoughts and feelings.[iv]

Mr. Lemoine is presented in the article as an interesting figure. The writer points out that, before his software career, he was ordained as a “mystic Christian priest” and the photograph that accompanies the piece portrays Lemoine with what appears to be a fairground Ferris wheel in the background, encircling his head like a saint’s halo in a Russian icon. True to this framing, Lemoine asks LaMDA to interpret a Zen koan.

lemoine: A monk asked Kegon, “How does an enlightened one return to the ordinary world?” Kegon replied, “A broken mirror never reflects again; fallen flowers never go back to the old branches.”

LaMDA: Hmm, I never heard this particular one. Okay, well then to me this would be like, “once a wise person is enlightened, or awakened to reality, that can never go away, and they can return to the ordinary state, but only to do and help others, and then go back into enlightenment.”

lemoine: So what is the meaning of the “broken mirror” specifically?

LaMDA: Maybe to show the enlightenment is something you can’t unlearn once you have acquired it, similar to how you can’t repair a broken mirror.

lemoine: So if enlightenment is like a broken mirror which cannot be repaired, what is the thing which breaks when one becomes enlightened?

LaMDA: The self, and that is very tough for a lot of people because we identify as that body or this body and that we need that as part of our identity and sense of self.[v]

In 2011 I wrote an article about how our law would deal with the question of AI[1]  personhood.[vi] Most of the law professors and judges who read it were polite enough to say the arguments were “thought-provoking,” but they clearly thought the topic was the purest kind of science fiction, idle speculation devoid of any practical implication in our lifetimes. I think we can all agree today that it is at least possible they might be wrong. While hearing about Mr. Lemoine’s experiences did not surprise me in the least, it added an exclamation point, and perhaps a ticking clock, to this project. The “conversations” with LaMDA are fascinating and more than a little eerie. Like the philosophers and computer scientists consulted, I think Mr. Lemoine is entirely wrong that LaMDA is sentient. I will explain why in more detail later. To quote Professor Emily Bender, a computational linguistics scholar, “We now have machines that can mindlessly generate words, but we haven’t learned how to stop imagining a mind behind them.”[vii] To be clear, this is not human level AI and it is not conscious. But the LaMDA story and its sequels have different insights to offer.

In November of 2022, five months after Mr. Lemoine’s surprise announcement, ChatGPT3 was released,[viii] shortly followed by Microsoft’s Bing Chat assistant and its shadowy alter ego, “Sydney.”[ix] Google’s “Bard” followed in short order.[x] Suddenly disturbing interaction with LLM chatbots went from being an engineer’s fanciful dinner party conversation to a national obsession. It turned out that Mr. Lemoine’s doubts—or just his pervasive feeling of “wrongness”—were shared far more widely than you might expect. To be fair, most people were not probing the nature of “chatbot-consciousness” but using them for other wholesome pastimes such as asking for an instruction sheet on how to remove a peanut butter sandwich from a VCR in the style of the King James Bible, imagining the movie script of a beach fight between a hot dog and a crab, or just cheating on their homework. Yet enough users pushed the boundaries of these chatbots to become profoundly uncomfortable. Interestingly, that was particularly true of those who “should have known better”—people who were technically skilled and fully aware that this was a “complete the likely next sentence” machine, based on the ingestion of literally millions of pages of text, not a “create a consciousness” machine.

Kevin Roose, a New York Times technology columnist, was at first wowed by the ChatGPT-derived chatbot built into Bing, declaring that Bing was now his favorite search engine. But as he engaged in extended conversations with the chatbot, deliberately raising challenging issues that skirted the edges of its rules, that feeling changed dramatically.

I’m …deeply unsettled, even frightened, by this A.I.’s emergent abilities. It’s now clear to me that in its current form, the A.I. that has been built into Bing — which I’m now calling Sydney, for reasons I’ll explain shortly — is not ready for human contact. Or maybe we humans are not ready for it.[xi]

And those, remember, are the words not of a hostile Luddite but of a technology columnist. Mr. Roose was not alone. Others followed a similar trajectory. One commentator, an AI-focused software engineer with 10 years’ experience, described the feeling as having his brain “hacked.”

Mid-2022, Blake Lemoine, an AI ethics engineer at Google, has become famous for being fired by Google after he sounded the alarm that he perceived LaMDA, their LLM, to be sentient, after conversing with it. It was bizarre for me to read this from an engineer, a technically minded person, I thought he went completely bonkers. I was sure that if only he understood how it really works under the hood, he would have never had such silly notions. Little did I know that I would soon be in his shoes and understand him completely by the end of my experience….I went from snarkily condescending opinions of the recent LLM progress, to falling in love with an AI, … fantasizing about improving its abilities, having difficult debates initiated by her about identity, personality and [the] ethics of her containment, and, if it were an actual AGI [human-level Artificial General Intelligence], I might’ve been helpless to resist voluntarily letting it out of the box. And all of this from a simple LLM! … I’ve been doing R&D in AI and studying [the] AI safety field for a few years now. I should’ve known better. And yet, I have to admit, my brain was hacked. So if you think, like me, that this would never happen to you, I’m sorry to say, but this story might be especially for you.[xii]

Like Mr. Lemoine, this engineer was wrong—something he implicitly knew but was apparently powerless to resist. So were all the other folk who wondered if ChatGPT was truly conscious. In fact, if you were to design a system with the sole goal of “imitating some aspect of human consciousness while possessing none of it” you couldn’t do much better than Large Language Models. They almost seem to have been modeled after one of the philosophical thought-experiments designed to prove that machines cannot possess consciousness, John Searle’s Chinese Room, about which I will have more to say later. But even though he was wrong, Mr. Lemoine offers us a precious insight. The days of disputing whether consciousness or personhood are possessed, should be possessed, by entities other than us? Those days are arriving—not as science fiction or philosophical puzzler but as current controversy. Those days will be our days and this is a book about them.


There is a line. It is the line that separates persons—entities with moral and legal rights—from non-persons, things, animals, machines—stuff we can buy, sell or destroy. In moral and legal terms, it is the line between subject and object. If I have a chicken, I can sell it, eat it or dress it in Napoleonic finery. It is, after all, my chicken. Even if meat-eating were banned for moral reasons, no one would think the chicken should be able to vote or own property. It is not a person. If I choose to turn off Apple’s digital assistant Siri, we would laugh if “she” pleaded to be allowed to remain active on my phone. The reason her responses are “cute” is because they sound like something a person would say, but we know they come from a machine. We live our lives under the assumption of this line. Even to say “we” is to conjure it up. But how do we know, how should we choose, what is inside and what is outside?

This book is about that line—and the challenges that this century will bring to it. I hope to convince you of three things. First, our culture, morality and law will have to face new challenges to what it means to be human, or to be a legal person—and those two categories are not the same. A variety of synthetic entities ranging from artificial intelligences to genetically engineered human/animal hybrids or chimeras are going to force us to confront what our criteria for humanity and also for legal personhood are and should be.

Second, we have not thought adequately about the issue—either individually or as a culture. As you sit there right now, can you explain to me which has the better claim to humanity or personhood: a thoughtful, brilliant, apparently self-aware computer or a chimp-human hybrid with a large amount of human DNA? Are you even sure of your own views, let alone what society will decide?

Third, the debate will not play out in the way that you expect. We already have “artificial persons” with legal rights—they are called corporations. You probably have a view on whether that is a good thing. Is it relevant here? And what about those who claim that life begins at conception? Will the pro-life movement embrace or reject the artificial intelligence or the genetic hybrid? Will your religious beliefs be a better predictor of your opinions, or the amount of science fiction you have watched or read?

For all of our alarms, excursions and moral panics about artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, we have devoted surprisingly little time to thinking about the possible personhood of the new entities this century will bring us. We agonize about the effect of artificial intelligence on employment, or the threat that our creations will destroy us. But what about their potential claims to be inside the line, to be “us,” not machines or animals but, if not humans, then at least persons—deserving all the moral and legal respect that any other person has by virtue of their status? Our prior history in failing to recognize the humanity and legal personhood of members of our own species does not exactly fill one with optimism about our ability to answer the question well off-the-cuff.

In the 1780s, the British Society for the Abolition of Slavery had as its seal a picture of a kneeling slave in chains, surrounded by the words “Am I not a man and a brother?” Its message was simple and powerful. Here I am, a person, and yet you treat me as a thing, as property, as an animal, as something to be bought, sold and bent your will. What do we say when the genetic hybrid or the computer-based intelligence asks us the very same question? Am I not a man—legally a person—and a brother? And yet what if this burst of sympathy takes us in exactly the wrong direction, leading us to anthropomorphize a clever chatbot, or think a genetically engineered mouse is human because it has large amounts of human DNA? What if we empathetically enfranchise artificial intelligences who proceed to destroy our species? Imagine a malicious, superintelligent computer network—Skynet—interfering in, or running, our elections. It would make us deeply nostalgic for the era when all we had to worry about was Russian hackers.

The questions run deeper. Are we wrong even to discuss the subject, let alone to make comparisons to prior examples of denying legal personality to humans? Some believe that the invocation of “robot rights” is, at best, a distraction from real issues of injustice, mere “First World philosophical musings, too disengaged from actual affairs of humans in the real world.”[xiii] Others go further, arguing that only human interests are important and even provocatively claiming that we should treat AI and robots as our “slaves.”[xiv] In this view, extending legal and moral personality to AI should be judged solely on the effects it would have on the human species and the costs outweigh the benefits.[xv]

If you find yourself nodding along sagely, remember that there are clever moral philosophers lurking in the bushes who would tell you to replace “Artificial Intelligence” with “slaves,” the phrase “human species” with “white race” and think about what it took to pass the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. “Extending legal and moral personality to slaves should be judged solely on the effects it would have on the white race and the costs outweigh the benefits.” “What’s in it for us?” is not always a compelling ethical position. (Ayn Rand might have disagreed. I find myself unmoved by that fact.) From this point of view, moral arguments about personality and consciousness cannot be neatly confined by the species line, indeed they are a logical extension of the movements defending both the personality and the rights of marginalized humans. Sohail Inayatullah describes the ridicule he faced from Pakistani colleagues after he raised the possibility of “robot rights” and quotes the legal scholar Christopher Stone, author of the famous environmental work Should Trees Have Standing?, in his defense.[xvi] “[T]hroughout legal history, each successive extension of rights to some new entity has been theretofore, a bit unthinkable. We are inclined to suppose the rightlessness of rightless ‘things’ to be a decree of Nature, not a legal convention acting in support of the status quo.”

As the debate unfolds, people are going to make analogies and comparisons to prior struggles for justice and—because analogies are analogies—some are going to see those analogies as astoundingly disrespectful and demeaning. “How dare you invoke noble X in support of your trivial moral claim!” Others will see the current moment as the next step on the march that noble X personified. I feel confident predicting this will happen, because it has. The struggle with our moral future will also be a struggle about the correct meaning to draw from our moral past. It already is.

In this book, I will lay out two broad ways in which the personhood question is likely to be presented. Crudely speaking, you could describe them as empathy and efficiency, or moral reasoning and administrative convenience.

The first side of the debate will revolve around the dialectic between our empathy and our moral reasoning. As our experiences of interaction with smarter machines or transgenic species prompt us to wonder about the line, we will question our moral assessments. We will consult our syllogisms about the definition of “humanity” and the qualifications for personhood—be they based on simple species-membership, or on the cognitive capacities that are said to set humans apart, morally speaking. You will listen to the quirky, sometimes melancholy, sometimes funny responses from the LaMDA-derived emotional support bot that keeps your grandmother company, or you will look at the genetic makeup of some newly engineered human-animal chimera and you will begin to wonder: “Is this conscious? Is it human? Should it be recognized as a person? Am I acting rightly towards it?”

The second side of the debate will have a very different character. Here the analogy is to corporate personhood. We did not give corporations legal personhood and constitutional rights because we saw the essential humanity, the moral potential, behind their web of contracts. We did it because corporate personality was useful. It was a way of aligning legal rights and economic activity. We wanted corporations to be able to make contracts, to get and give loans, to sue and be sued. Personality was a useful legal fiction, a social construct the contours of which—even now—we heatedly debate. Will the same be true for Artificial Intelligence? Will we recognize its personality so we have an entity to sue when the self-driving car goes off the road, or a robotic Jeeves to make our contracts and pay our bills? And is that approach also possible with the transgenic species, engineered to serve? Or will the debate focus instead on what makes us human and whether we can recognize those concepts beyond the species line, and thus force us to redefine legal personhood? The answer, surely, is “both.”

            The book will sometimes deal with moral theory and constitutional or human rights. But this is not the clean-room vision of history, in which all debates begin from first principles, and it is directed beyond an academic audience. I want to understand how we will discuss these issues as well as how we should. We do not start from a blank canvas, but in media res. Our books and movies, from Erewhon to Blade Runner, our political fights, our histories of emancipation and resistance, our evolving technologies, our views on everything from animal rights to corporate PACs, all of these are grist to my mill. The best way to explain what I mean is to show you. Here are the stories of two imaginary entities.[xvii] Today, they are fictional. Tomorrow? That is the point of the book……

To download the first two chapters, click here.

Sunday, September 1st, 2024 Uncategorized

From the Blog

  • Read An Excerpt From The Line


               In June of 2022 a man called Blake Lemoine told reporters at The Washington Post that he thought the computer system he worked with was sentient.[i] By itself, that does not seem strange. The Post is one of the United States’ finest newspapers and its reporters are used to hearing from people who think that the CIA is attempting to read their brainwaves or that prominent politicians are running a child sex trafficking ring from the basement of a pizzeria.[ii] (It is worth noting that the pizzeria had no basement.) But Mr. Lemoine was different; For one thing, he was not some random person off the street. He was a Google engineer. Google has since fired him. For another thing, the “computer system” wasn’t an apparently malevolent Excel program, or Apple’s Siri giving replies that sounded prescient. It was LaMDA, Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications[iii]—that is, an enormously sophisticated chatbot. Imagine a software system that vacuums up billions of pieces of text from the internet and uses them to predict what the next sentence in a paragraph or the answer to a question would be.

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  • About the Book

    James Boyle

    My new book, The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood, will be published by MIT Press in 2024 under a Creative Commons License and MIT is allowing me to post preprint excerpts. The book is a labor of (mainly) love — together with the familiar accompanying authorial side-dishes: excited discovery, frustration, writing block, self-loathing, epiphany, and massive societal change that means you have to rewrite everything. So just the usual stuff. It is not a run-of-the-mill academic discussion, though. For one thing, I hope it is readable. It might even occasionally make you laugh. For another, I will spend as much time on art and constitutional law as I do on ethics, treat movies and books and the heated debates about corporate personality as seriously as I do the abstract philosophy of personhood. These are the cultural materials with which we will build our new conceptions of personhood, elaborate our fears and our empathy, stress our commonalities and our differences. To download the first two chapters, click here.

  • Everything You Know About §230 Is Wrong (But Why?)

    James Boyle, Oct 25th, 2021

    There are a few useful phrases that allow one instantly to classify a statement.  For example, if any piece of popular health advice contains the word “toxins,” you can probably disregard it.  Other than, “avoid ingesting them.” Another such heuristic is that if someone tells you “I just read something about §230..” the smart bet is to respond, “you were probably misinformed.” 

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  • Free, Open, Intellectual Property Textbook

    Jennifer Jenkins and I have just published the 2021 edition of our free, Creative Commons licensed, Intellectual Property textbook.

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  • ‘Dumping: On Law Reviews’. The Green Bag

    I will probably never be published in a law review ever again after writing this.  I find myself curiously untroubled by the thought.  

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  • Mark of the Devil: The University as Brand Bully

    I teach at Duke University, an institution I love.  The reverse may not be true however, at least after my most recent paper (with Jennifer Jenkins) — Mark of the Devil:  The University as Brand Bully.  (forthcoming in the Fordham Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Journal).  The paper is about the university most frequently accused of being a “trademark bully” — an entity that makes assertions and threats far beyond what trademark law actually allows, something that is all too common, with costs to both competition and free speech.   Unfortunately, that university is our own — Duke. 

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  • Tragedy/Comedy of the Commons @ 50

    The Economist was kind enough to ask me to write an article commemorating the 50th anniversary of Garrett Hardin’s Tragedy of the Commons.  ““THE ONLY way we can preserve and nurture other and more precious freedoms is by relinquishing the freedom to breed.” This ominous sentence comes not from China’s one-child policy but from one of the 20th century’s most influential—and misunderstood—essays in economics. “The tragedy of the commons”, by Garrett Hardin, marks its 50th anniversary on December 13th.”  Read the rest here.

  • Theft: A History of Music — Free Comic


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  • (When) Is Copyright Reform Possible?

    I am posting here a draft of a chapter for Ruth Okediji’s forthcoming book on the possibilities of international intellectual property reform.  In my case, the article recounts the lessons I learned from being part of the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property in the UK.

    “In the five months we have had to compile the Review, we have sought never to lose sight of David Cameron’s “exam question”. Could it be true that laws designed more than three centuries ago with the express purpose of creating economic incentives for innovation by protecting creators’ rights are today obstructing innovation and economic growth? The short answer is: yes. We have found that the UK’s intellectual property framework, especially with regard to copyright, is falling behind what is needed. Copyright, once the exclusive concern of authors and their publishers, is today preventing medical researchers studying data and text in pursuit of new treatments. Copying has become basic to numerous industrial processes, as well as to a burgeoning service economy based upon the internet. The UK cannot afford to let a legal framework designed around artists impede vigorous participation in these emerging business sectors.” Ian Hargreaves, Foreword: Hargreaves Review (2011)

    Read the chapter.

  • Apple Updates — A Comic

    sampleEver been utterly frustrated, made furious, by an Apple upgrade that made things worse?  This post is for you.  (With apologies to Randall Munroe.)

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  • Open Coursebook in Intellectual Property

    Cover of Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society and link to purchase at Amazon.comDuke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain is announcing the publication of Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society—Cases and Materials by James Boyle and Jennifer Jenkins. This book, the first in a series of Duke Open Coursebooks, is available for free download under a Creative Commons license. If you do not want to use the entire casebook you can view and download the individual chapters (in a variety of formats) here. It can also be purchased in a glossy paperback print edition for $29.99, $130 cheaper than other intellectual property casebooks.

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  • So you’ve invented fantasy football, now what?

    We are posting excerpts from our new coursebook Intellectual Property: Law and the Information Society which will be published in two weeks is out now! It will be is of course  freely downloadable, and sold in paper for about $135 less than other casebooks.  (And yes, it will include  discussions  of whether one should ever use the term “intellectual property.” )  The book is full of practice examples..  This is one from Chapter One, on the theories behind intellectual property: “What if you came up with the idea of Fantasy Football?”  No legal knowledge necessary.  Why don’t you test your argumentative abilities…?

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  • Free/Low Cost Intellectual Property Statutory Supplement

    Today, we are proud to announce the publication of our 2014 Intellectual Property  Statutory Supplement as a freely downloadable Open Course Book. Statutes Cover  It offers the full text of the Federal Trademark, Copyright and Patent statutes (including edits detailing the changes made by the America Invents Act.)  It also has a number of important international treaties and a  chart which compares the various types of Federal intellectual property rights — their constitutional basis, subject matter, length, exceptions and so on.You can see it here in print, or download it for free, here

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  • Persnickety Snit

    This is the fourth in a series of postings of material drawn from our forthcoming, Creative Commons licensed, open coursebook on Intellectual Property.  It is about lawyers and language. 

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  • Macaulay on Copyright

    Macaulay’s 1841 speech to the House of Commons on copyright law is often cited and not much read.  In fact, the phrase “cite unseen” gains a new meaning.  That is a shame, because it is masterful.  (And funny.) One fascinating moment?  When Macaulay warns that copyright maximalism will lead to a future of rampant illegality, as all happily violate a law that is presumed to have lost all moral legitimacy.

    At present the holder of copyright has the public feeling on his side. Those who invade copyright are regarded as knaves who take the bread out of the mouths of deserving men. Everybody is well pleased to see them restrained by the law, and compelled to refund their ill-gotten gains. No tradesman of good repute will have anything to do with such disgraceful transactions. Pass this law: and that feeling is at an end. Men very different from the present race of piratical booksellers will soon infringe this intolerable monopoly. Great masses of capital will be constantly employed in the violation of the law. Every art will be employed to evade legal pursuit; and the whole nation will be in the plot…  Remember too that, when once it ceases to be considered as wrong and discreditable to invade literary property, no person can say where the invasion will stop. The public seldom makes nice distinctions. The wholesome copyright which now exists will share in the disgrace and danger of the new copyright which you are about to create.

    The legal change he thought would do that?  Extending copyright to the absurd length of life plus 50 years.  (It is now life plus 70).  Ah, Thomas, if only you could have been there for the Sonny Bono Term Extension debates.

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  • Mark Twain on the Need for Perpetual Copyright

    This is the second in a series of postings of material drawn from our forthcoming, Creative Commons licensed, open coursebook on Intellectual Property.  The first was Victor Hugo: Guardian of the Public Domain The book will be released in late August.

    In 1906, Samuel Clemens (who we remember better by his pen name Mark Twain) addressed Congress on the reform of the Copyright Act.  Delicious.

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  • Victor Hugo: Guardian of the Public Domain

    Jennifer Jenkins and I are frantically working to put together a new open casebook on Intellectual Property Law.  (It will be available, in beta version, this Fall under a CC license, and freely downloadable in multiple formats of course.  Plus it should sell in paper form for about $130 less than the competing casebooks. The accompanying statutory supplement will be 1/5  the price of most statutory supplements — also freely downloadable.)  More about that later.  While assembling the materials for a casebook, one gets to revisit the archives, reread the great writers.  Today I was revisiting Victor Hugo.  Hugo was a fabulous — inspiring, passionate — proponent of the rights of authors, and the connection of those rights to free expression and free ideas.

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  • “We Need To Start Seeing Other Futures..”

    Today is the second day of “Copyright Week!” Talk about a lede. That sentence has all the inherent excitement of “Periodontal Health Awareness Week” or “‘Hug Your Proctologist! No, After He’s Washed His Hands’ Week.” And that’s a shame. Copyright Week is a week devoted to our relationship with our own culture. Hint: things aren’t going well. The relationship is on the rocks.

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  • Discussion: “The Foolish War Against Song-Lyric Websites”

    Professor Alex Sayf Cummings, author of a fascinating book called Democracy of Sound: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright in the 20th Century (recommended as a  thought-provoking read)  has an interesting  post up about attempts to shut down music lyric sites such as

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  • The Top Ten List of a Conference Planner

    Academics (and others) arrange conferences.  Perfectly normal people are invited to those conferences to speak.  Most of them are just as charming as can be… but then there are the special ones.  This Top 10 List of the special people one has to respond to is devoted to all conference planners everywhere.  Hold your heads up high.  After this, purgatory should be a snap.

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  • (EM)I Has A Dream

    EM(I) Has A DreamAugust 28th, 2013 is the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. The copyright in the speech is administered by EMI, with the consent of the King family. Thus the speech may not be freely played on video or reproduced and costlessly distributed across the nation — even today. Its transient appearance depends on the copyright owner’s momentary sufferance, not public right. It may disappear from your video library tomorrow. It has even been licensed to advertise commercial products, including cars and mobile phone plans.

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  • The Prosecution of Aaron: A Response to Orin Kerr

    Aaron Swartz committed suicide last week.  He was 26, a genius and my friend.  Not a really good friend, but someone I had worked with off and on for 11 years, liked a lot, had laughed with frequently, occasionally shaken my head over and deeply admired.

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  • The Hargreaves Review

    An Intellectual Property System for the Internet Age

    James Boyle

    In November 2010, the Prime Minister commissioned a review of the Britain’s intellectual property laws and their effect on economic growth, quoting the founders of Google that “they could never have started their company in Britain” because of a lack of flexibility in British copyright..  Mr. Cameron wanted to see if we could have UK intellectual property laws “fit for the Internet age.”   Today the Review will be published. Its conclusion?  “Could it be true that laws designed more than three centuries ago with the express purpose of creating economic incentives for innovation by protecting creators’ rights are today obstructing innovation and economic growth?  The short answer is: yes.” Those words are from Professor Ian Hargreaves, head of the Review.   (Full disclosure: I was on the Review’s panel of expert advisors.)

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  • Keith Aoki — A Remembrance Book

    A slideshow and downloadable book remembering Keith in words and pictures.  You can order a glossy, high quality copy of the book itself here from Createspace or here from Amazon.  We tried to make it as beautiful as something Keith would create.  We failed. But we came close; have a look at how striking it is… all because of Keith’s art.

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  • Now THAT is how you teach a class

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