The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License.
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Why am I allowing you to copy the book for free? And why is Yale University Press letting me? To understand why I am doing it, watch this video by Jesse Dylan. And if you want to understand why it makes economic sense to my publisher, read this short article.
This is the book exactly as it is printed — same typesetting and pagination. The pdf is searchable and has bookmarks for each chapter.
Alternative Formats epub html
Further Reading: An Annotated Bibliography with further reading on each chapter of the book.
Courtesy of Greg Kearney of Curtin University Centre for Accessible Technology here is a DAISY talking book version (Information on DAISY books here)
Here is another html version created by Franco Iacomella. Thanks!
And a Palm PDB e-book version of “The Public Domain”, complete with formatting and footnotes created by Wizard Prang. Thanks!
(The only versions that I have tested for accuracy are the pdf and html versions I supplied.)